The Holiday Stretch

The Holiday Stretch

At the beginning of the semester my Health Assessment professor was joking that “around Thanksgiving time, you all will go home freaking out because you’ve learned  so much new information and are convinced you have EVERYTHING!!! Then, by the time you get out and go home for Christmas, it all gets better and you realize you do not in fact have latent TB, carpal tunnel etc.” She was not kidding. The first semester of nursing school is loaded with new information, diseases you’ve never heard of, and skills you will use for the rest of your nursing career.  We’ve come a long way from not being able to inflate a blood pressure cuff, to now giving injections and doing full assessments.

Now, we are just a couple weeks away from the end of the semester. Thanksgiving break is this week (our professors are amazing and put the lectures online) and finals are right around the corner. We all recently registered for classes next semester, and I was humored by all the anger surrounding online registration….evidently many of my peers have never had to deal with the battle of trying to get in to classes. My advice to you, get all your classes in your “shopping cart” before hand, and then sit poised and ready to hit the register button at the exact turn of the clock to 12:30. Otherwise you may be like this lady….

I am excited about the psych and adult health rotations we will be doing, and am looking forward to not having class from 8-5:30 EVERY day. Also, we will hopefully be getting information soon about opportunities to get some practical experience as a CNE/CNA at area hospitals.

Safe travels this week if you are going somewhere for Turkey Day. I am headed back to TEXAS TODAY!!!! Beyond excited for some BBQ, Mexican food, margaritas and FIGHTIN’ TEXAS AGGIE FOOTBALL!!!!!!  And, if you’re feeling very southern, enjoy this video on how to be a complete redneck and fry your turkey….try to get past the fact he is a Penn State fan and enjoy the ridiculousness of this video. Happy Turkey Day 🙂


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